All posts in Renovations

Perils and Pitfalls of Renovations from Industry Experts!

Here are the renovation tips from Architectural Digest.

1. Starting renovations too soon

If possible, live in your house for a while before making any plans to overhaul. “Learn its flow, where the groceries land, where the laundry wants to go, how the sun hits it, where the choke points are, which way the rain slants, even get a sense of its soul,” says Bruce Irving, an independent renovation consultant and real estate agent from Cambridge, Massachusetts. “All of this will inform your choices when you make your plans to change things.”

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What to Look for When Selecting a Potential Contractor

Let’s be friends.  Ensure that you get a good vibe from a potential contractor.  In addition to sharing your home and space, you will spending a lot of time with them.  The key to any successful project is good communication.

Expectations.  Any reputable contractor will provide a written estimate and once you agree on terms, a written contract.  A contract should include specifics about the scope of the work, a bid price, a payment schedule and a written warranty clause.

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5 Things You Need to Know About Renovating

Here are some pointers to keep in mind if you are weighing your options:

  • Bang for your buck. Kitchen renovations give homeowners the biggest return on investment far beyond any other room in the home
  • Determine your wants vs needs. Communicating them to the contractor will help with determining a realistic budget and will help keep you on track.

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